ReSTELA project launch

ReSTELA project launch

ReSTELA is an acronym for Remote STEM Labs and a joint project between TalTech IT College (that’s us), European Centre for Emerging Competencies and Technologies and Scuola di Robotica.

What we plan to do: we create robotics labs, where students can parcitipate remotely. Current plan includes a compact computer that can ba accessed using some remote connection protocol (VNC, RDP etc.) connected to a programmable microcontrolled with sensors and actuators. In addition to remotely programming the controller student will have a feedback of his/her actions using a camera installed over the working surface.

Obviously, the initial setup should be done by an assistant, apart from that we expect the students to work with programmable controllers independently and remotely.

Things we love about the project: the outputs of our combined efforts will be freely available for all parties interested, including full description of the platform and materials as well as detailed description of the labs we create.

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About Creativity Matters

“Creativity Matters” is a reseach group in Tallinn University of Technology IT College. The areas of interest inculde hybrid learning, telepresence robots and teaching didactics